Ultimate Guide to Hair System Base Types & Client Benefits
When you’re consulting with your hair replacement client, there are some key questions you can ask to determine the best hair replacement option for him.
Additionally, your client’s responses can help you match the best hair system to his appearance preferences, lifestyle, and commitment to care and maintenance.
- Does your client prefer the most undetectable appearance or is he looking for the most durable option?
- Does your client want the hair semi-permanently attached to his head where he can sleep, swim, shower, etc. OR does he want the option to take it on or off?
- Will your client commit to monthly visits to take the hair system off to be cleaned, haircut, etc.?
- What is your client’s climate or lifestyle? Does he require a hair system that is breathable due to hot climate or lifestyle?
Lace Base
Considered to be an undetectable hair system option, the lace base hair system is preferred by many due to the breathability of this hair system option. The lace material is markedly “invisible” in the front hair line. Lace hair systems are generally lightweight and comfortable.
Hair is tied into the lace material. Lace hair systems are generally less durable than other base types, but generally can last up to 1-3 months with proper care and maintenance.
Lace Base Options at IHI (Human Hair):
- Lace FX is comprised of Swiss Lace with Control Lines. For attachment, AdMatte Tape is an excellent choice. AdMatte Tape is a semi-permanent application. (Notes on AdMatte Tape are at the bottom of this blog). This tape can be used around the perimeter & center. 6” human hair, “freestyle”, with medium hair density. Base size is 8”x10”
- LC1 is comprised of Swiss Lace with 1.25” PU Coat at Sides and 2” PU Coat in Back. For attachment, AdMatte Tape is an excellent choice. AdMatte Tape is a semi-permanent application. Note that Bonding Material can also be used on the PU areas. 6” human hair, “freestyle” with a slight wave, with Light-Plus hair density. Base size is 8”x10”
- LC2 is comprised of Swiss Lace with Control Lines. For attachment, AdMatte Tape is an excellent choice. AdMatte Tapeis a semi-permanent application. 6” human hair, “freestyle” with a slight wave, with light to medium hair density. Base size is 8”x10”

A Lace Base is typically much cooler to wear temperature-wise as compared to the skin base. Lace bases require more maintenance for the client at home.
The front will need attention about every 3 days to keep it in pristine looking condition. Make sure you teach your client the skills and finesse to take care of the front hairline.
“SKIN” PU/Poly/Polyurethane BASE
Skin Base Hair Systems are generally undetectable (due to the way the hair is looped) and are a good, moderately durable hair system option for clients wanting a bonded (semi-permanent) alternative hair option.
Skin Bases come in different thicknesses and generally they are most undetectable (but least durable) than thicker skin options. Skin Base hair systems are not breathable and can be less comfortable to wear in hotter climates or for clients who work out a lot.
Durability of skin bases generally depend on the base thickness and care give to the hair system but can range from 1-3 months.
Skin bases are generally easy to take care of from the client perspective. You can use many different types of bonding materials (long-wear adhesives – white liquid, water-based formulas) on these bases.
IHI offers several options, including Max Adhere 360, Max Dermatex, Ghost Bond, and Great White Adhesive.
The timeline of the bond depends on the client’s heat & oiliness of the scalp or personal activity. Bonds typically last between 2-4 weeks before needing to be re-done.
Skin/PU Base Options at IHI (Human Hair)
- Skin FX: Scalloped front for natural-looking appearance, 1.7g Clear, See-Thru Skin with medium hair density. 8”x10”
- SK1: Light-Plus Hair Density with nice stretch to fit to the contours of the head. 2-3g Clear PU with ½” extra clear PU on the front edge. 8”x10”
- SK2: Comparable to the Skin FX with good stretch for ease of application and wear, 0.07mm thickness. Medium hair density. 8”x10”
- SK3 & SK4: The thinnest bases of all of IHI skin systems, thus likely can clean and re-wear a maximum of one time. Base Material: 100% skin base at 0.03mm thickness. 8”x10”
- SK5 & SK6: Both with 5” Hair Length & Medium-Light Hair Density. Generally last 2-3 months durability

Skin bases are a go to for the client who wants the system to be pretty much hands off regarding the fronts.
The skin bases give the smoothest edge on the market! These can be hot in certain climates, and this is something to consider.
Combo/Hybrid Hair Systems (Skin & Lace)
Clients can often find the “best of both worlds” with a combo hair system that gives the balance of giving a natural looking appearance, preferred comfort, ease of wear, and possibly improved durability.
Combo Base Options at IHI (Human Hair)
- Twin FX: A Hybrid Skin/Lace Base Hair System with Center Lace Insert for comfort and breathability. Generally lasts 2-3 months with 6” Hair, Medium Hair Density, and 8”x10” size. Best attachment is generally using Long Wear Bonding Adhesive around the perimeter/”skin” area
- Dual FX: All Skin Base with Lace Front. Generally lasts 2-3 months with 6” Hair, Medium Hair Density, and 8”x10” size. Best attachment is recommended to use Long Wear Bonding Adhesive around the perimeter/”skin” area. The lace front may be taped

A Hybrid base can give you the best of both worlds with a small area of mesh to allow the heat to escape through the top area. The poly edges make and easy installation.
Nylon Mono Hair Systems
Nylon Mono Hair Systems are typically designed for long-wear durability and are generally attached by tape. This option gives the client versatility to wear – or not wear – the hair system as he prefers.
Full-time wear can happen with this type of system depending on the tape you or the client chooses to use. AdMatte Tape can last easily up to 3 weeks even with washing.
Nylon Mono Hair Systems are thicker than other options and will need to be cut in properly to ensure that they’re undetectable. Additionally, you will likely need to educate your client how to take them on and off.
Nylon Mono Options at IHI (Human Hair)
- Pro Select FX: A Nylon Mono Base with PU Tape Tabs on the Sides/Back and Clear See-Through Skin Front with Scalloped Edge. 6” Hair, Medium Hair Density, and 8”x10” size
- Pro Opti FX: A Nylon Mono Base with Clear See-Through Skin Perimeter and Swiss Lace Front. 6” Hair, Medium Hair Density, and 8”x10” size
A Nylon base similar to Pro Opti FX or Pro Select FX will be very durable for the client looking for more density and durability.

Other Key Hair System Notes
- The Hair System types noted above all consist of human hair with synthetic grey options
- The Human Hair can be colored to customize match for your client, but it is not recommended to lighten the hair
- Hair System size and fit can be customized for your client. Please contact IHI for more information on mold making and customizing hair system size
- The Hair Systems listed above can also work for a female client – giving you many options to find the best client option!
- Note that there are long-wear (semi-permanent) attachment options OTHER THAN BONDING (medical adhesive), including long-wear tape. Please contact IHI for more info
- Hair clips can also be an option for attaching hair systems in some circumstances
AdMatte Tape
Professional Semi Permanent Attachment Use:
A semi-permanent attachment option other than bonding, AdMatte Tape holds comfortably for weeks with no melt down of adhesive. AdMatte Tape's hold is strengthened by heat (body heat, hot water in the shower) and is a great long-wear hold that's less messy than bonding adhesive.
Use a semi permanent bond, without use of brushes, waiting for liquid glues to cure, or dealing with messy liquid glues that melt down.
- Cleanse hair system thoroughly, wipe polyurethane area with 99% Alcohol to prepare
- Apply AdMatte tape to polyurethane perimeter of the hair system, Align hair system on clients head, and apply slight pressure for a few seconds to activate adhesive with body heat

Holds comfortably for weeks with no melt down of adhesive. For easy removal from the head, rinse head with cold water, and lift off gently.
For easy removal from the polyurethane, put fingers in cold water and roll off!